10 E Ontario

Welcome to the Heat Pump Registration Page for 10 E Ontario

Unilux Suite Solutions is pleased to offer replacement heat pumps for your condominium. For more information about the product and process, please refer to the attached package.

For any questions feel free to contact us at 800-337-3967, or info@uniluxsuitesolutions.com, or visit our website at www.uniluxsuitesolutions.com.

Fan Coil Retrofit Package (Click here)

Vertical Stack Water Source Heat Pumps

Unilux HVAC’s signature heat pump, crafted for residential applications, seamlessly combines peak energy efficiency with low upfront costs. Operating on a closed water loop, our water source heat pumps excel in extracting heat from the loop to disperse it for heating or absorbing heat from the suite and expelling it back to the loop for cooling. This on-demand heating and cooling solution operates independently for each suite, ensuring year-round comfort.

For more information, please visit: https://uniluxhvac.com/heat-pumps/water-source-heat-pumps/